Is there a perfect bra on the market? Sorry, but no. The bra industry is so messed up, it is hard to know where to start talking about it. Do you realize that the brands can't even agree on how to measure the size? Some think the band size should be married across the upper area of the breasts, while others believe it should be just under them. Throw in the different sizing calculations by European and American manufacturers and it is rather amazing that bras fit at all.
How bad are things with bra sizes? One study in the United Kingdom focused on the reason behind women get breast reduction surgery. Do you know what they found? The reason was back and neck pain. Closer examinations revealed that the problem was not the size or weight of the breasts, but the fact that all 102 women in the study were wearing the wrong bra size!
Given this mess, how can we possibly be expected to find the right bra for our body types? In these modern times, the sad answer is trial and error is about the only way short of a professional fitting. With this in mind, here are some do's and don'ts to getting the best fit.
The number one issue with fitting a bra is the band size. The band running around the bottom of the bra should be providing most of the support. This means getting the fit right is critical. The band should run just under your breasts and then proceed at the same height all the way around your trunk and across your back. The band should not be higher on your back than it is on your front. Also, the band should be snug around your trunk, but not so tight as to cause you discomfort or breathing issues.
The second fit issue most women get wrong involves the cups. Women with larger breasts tend to where cups that are too small. Smaller breasted women tend to go in the opposite direction. The cup should fit snuggly around your breasts. If there are any gaps, you need a smaller size. In contrast, if you "flow over" the edge of the cups anywhere, you are wearing a size that is too small. Get the cup size right and you'll have a much more comfortable bra.
Nothing is as aggravating as being poked by underwire bras. Well, the poking should be a sign. If you are getting poked in the arm, the band size is too small. Go up a size. If you are getting poked in the breast or inside of the underarm area, the band size is too large. Try going down a size and see if it helps. If you are getting poked in derriere, you are either having way too much fun or have no idea how to wear a bra!
If you can get these three basic areas right with your bra, you'll have a better fit than the vast majority of women out there. You might also notice back and neck pain as well as headaches suddenly disappear.
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