Saturday, July 12, 2008

Grasping Bra Fabrics Lead to Comfort

Most discussions regarding bras center on getting the best possible fit. While a good fit is vital, one shouldn't overlook the material bras are made of. Most women will find certain materials are more comfortable than others.

The traditional bra was something just short of tank armor. Although cotton was the stated material, most bras were so rigid and formed that they felt more like two small coffins. Bra design has obviously come a long way since those days. Modern bras are highly flexible, "breathe" and can be tailored to specific body configurations.

One of the key areas of development with modern bras is the material used. Cotton is still the bell weather material, but there are a variety of different fibers used to create different looks and levels of comfort. Let's take a look at some of the materials you might consider when buying your next bra.


Microfiber is the piece de resistance in modern bra materials. As the name suggests, the material is a combination of fibers wound together. The fibers and weave are so small as to be nearly impossible to see with the naked eye. That being said, microfiber is a wonder material because it can be tailored to many different goals. For instance, the material is often used in sports bras because it can be oriented to allow for wickering and evaporation of sweat away from the body. You know the value of this if you exercise a lot or go outside on hot days.


Okay, everyone knows about silk as a general clothing material, but it also makes an excellent bra as well. Silk provides a light and airy feel, but it is actually a very good insulator. This makes it an excellent material for cool nights, the fall and winter wear. The sheer element of the material also lets you double your basic bra as a piece of lingerie should the moment strike.


Rayon bras tend to be on the cheaper side. As with most things, you get what you pay for with rayon. The material is not particularly uncomfortable, but the elements of the bra that incorporate rayon will not last. The material is infamous for losing its shape and wrinkling heavily after only a few uses. In general, Rayon should be avoided where possible.

There are many other materials that can go into a bra, but cotton, microfiber, silk and rayon are very common. Try experimenting with different materials when buying bras. You'll find that certain ones are very comfortable and can make wearing a bra a much better experience.

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