Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Bra Dryer Invention - Dry Your Bra Without Damaging It

The bra is a fundamental part of the female wardrobe. As you well know, they are not the cheapest of undergarments, which makes it all the more aggravating when they fall apart quickly. There's a new invention that might help make them last a lot longer.

What is the number one way bras are damaged? Is it during a romantic lunch with George Clooney or Brad Pitt? Unfortunately, no. The single biggest point at which they are damaged is when they are drying. Throwing them into the dryer is a huge mistake as the spinning and heat will simply destroy the cups, stitching and elastic areas. Using a hair dryer or hanging them to air dry is a problem as well since the padding tends to bunch up or wrinkle. Well, a solution may be on its way - the Bra Dryer.

The Bra Dryer is a device that comes in the shape of a woman's torso at the breast level. A bra is essentially placed on it just as it would look on you. The torso, however, has a vented surface that allows infrared heat to pass through to dry the bra by evaporating it. Fans then blow the humid air out and away from the bra. The general idea is to provide gentle drying to a bra that will remove the humidity, but keep the shape of the bra.

Are there limitations? Yes and no. The biggest issue with the Bra Dryer at the moment doesn't exist. It is actually in the concept stage. The concept was invented by Alexander Farennikov in Orange County, California. He is pursuing a patent at this time and investors for the seed money needed to get production and up and running.

On a more practical level, the Bra Dryer is not meant for all bras. It works best with padded cups because it keeps their shape. It will, however, work with all bras according to Mr. Farennikov. What about sizing? Although it isn't entirely clear how the process will work, the torso device will come with exchangeable cup sizes so that the Bra Dryer can be used with all bras.

There is one thing you can be sure of when a device is in the concept stage - it will be changed. Still, the basic idea behind the Bra Dryer is a pretty good one. Assuming the device does half of what is claimed, we may all be getting a lot more mileage from our bras!

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